One time we accidentally booked a couple’s bath in Portugal and tried to drink the bath soak.
Wait...let us explain.
When we travel to Europe in search of the best clean wine, we always incorporate spa treatments (because it’s part of the clean wine lifestyle). Last time we were in Portugal, we visited the Caudalie Vinotherapie Spa at the Yeatman Wine Hotel (they make skincare out of vineyard grapes—how perfect!). We booked two barrel baths, which is where you soak in fermented wine and essential oils.
The spa therapist took us to a beautiful room overlooking the Douro River and the city of Porto, and we were so happy that it didn’t even register that there was only one tub. We actually got in the tub together (thankfully we brought bathing suits) and were taking pictures and enjoying ourselves.
It wasn't until about 20 minutes in (when the therapists started giving us neck massages) that we realized we accidentally booked a couple’s massage bath. Ha!
But the best part has to be when they brought over the wine and oils to pour in the water and we tried to take the glasses from their hands and drink it. (Hey, in our defense, everywhere you go in Portugal someone hands you a glass of wine!)
We had a blast and obviously didn’t care that we shared a bath, but the moral of the story is: when booking spa treatments, always check whether they are done separately or together.